
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dogfish Head Raison D'Etre

You may be familar with the Dogfish Head brewery from the Discovery Channel show, or from your love or good craft beer. This is a deep mahogany Ale brewed with Belgian beet sugars, green raisins. It pours a dark brownish red color, yes mahogany, with a big white head. It smells like a hoppy dark Belgian ale, with a simi-sweet raisin scent as well. On the first taste its stong in flavor (8% ABV). Yes that is like a Belgian double or trippel. It aslo has a sour taste and feel all over your mouth. The finish is nice sweet like brown sugar. That is good but for a short time. The after taste goes away fast. Not so good. But it is not one of my new favorites. I don't like it very much and I do not suggest you get some. But you can try if you want. Someone likes this or Dogfish would not brew this. Dogfish is always comming up with really of the wall brews, like chilie beer. What! Why! I don't know about that. Well I don't like this much. It is at the low end of okay for me. Cheers! Please drink responsibly!

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