I guess you could call this a hybrid beer style, or mixed style. This is a Belgian style IPA (India Pale Ale). This is a 7% ABV beer. Belgo has amarillo, cascade, centennial, and simcoe hops brewed in, along with Belgian yeast. This is a bottle-conditioned brew. Belgo pours a nice darker gold color with a thick beige head that really laces nicely around the inside of the glass. You can really smell all those hops in this one. It has a strong crisp hoppy scent. Very nice there. It has a crsip very hoppy taste that really fills your whole mouth nicely. Belgo also has a nice hoppy bite towards the end. On it's aftertaste it has a strong hoppiness with a very very faint almost not present yeasty taste. You have to pay really close attenation to taste it. As you get to the bottom of this beer the hops flavor becomes even more intensely flavorful. This is a good IPA, a good Belgian IPA. I recommend this one. Go and try one, share it, and enjoy this hoppy guy here. It's great! Please create a Google account so that you may leave comments and blog post suggestions, thank you! Cheers! Please drink responsibly!
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