
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Shiner Premium Beer

Today everything comes and goes, but something’s do come back. Shiner beer has been around 1909. So I am sure that many think have come and gone for Shiner. This here is Shiner Premium Beer, 4.40% ABV. This beer is a Bohemian lager (Bohemian is now the Czech Republic) that Shiner produced way back when, and now they are starting to bring it back, first in the verity dix and twelve packs. Then this beer will be in it’s own packaging. Shiner Premium pours a crisp golden color with a rocky two finger white head that fades somewhat quickly. This beer is crystal clear, you can see right though it, and see lots of carbonation bubbles racing to the top. The aroma on Shiner Premium Beer is bready and light biscuit like, with a very faint hop there. The taste is a little light biscuit flavor with a hint of breaded malt. Not much on the taste for this beer, and not a lot going on here either. This is just a simple beer. The mouth feel is light to medium. Shiner Premium finishes nicely with a slight crispness. The aftertaste is a tiny bit sweet with a biscuit finish that does fade away in a few seconds. This could be an everyday kind of beer. Not overly flavorful or bad tasting. This is getting a B- here. This is not Shiner’s best but it’s not the worst either. This Shiner Premium is better than it sounds. I think it’s slightly above average, good in fact. So go out and give this Shiner Premium and try and see what you think of this comeback. Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!

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