Yet here is another New Belgium beer, this is they're Belgian dubbel, called Abbey. I like a good Belgian dubbel, but this isn't my favorite. This beer is a nice 7% abv, a reasonably abv. Abby pours a medium amber color with a medium tan head. This has that nice hoppy Belgian ale scent and there is a nice malt scent from one of the six different malts brewed in. Nothing really great or surprising on it scent to average for a Belgian. Well the taste is a bit of a let down, it has very malty flavor that is followed by a sour hop taste that is a little to much. I think that each of the flavors in this a too bold and when you mix to many overly bold flavors together the out come isn't that great. Abbey's after taste is all sour hops with a small touch of barley. I don't like that to much and I don't like Abbey to much either. That's a bit of a surprising let down to me. I was really think that this would be better than it was, because New Belgium's other offerings are quite good, some better than others, but over all great. But this was not as great. This just did wow me enough, just wowed me in a bad direction, I really want to like this, but I just couldn't. I put this, Abbey, between back and okay. I've had better Belgian dubbels, REAL ONES! Cheers! Please drink responsibly!
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