
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager

The word/style lager gets somewhat of a bad reputation in the world of beer. That is due to BMC (Budweiser, Miller, Coors) for their beers. But in Germany lager is a better style of beer and has been around a lot longer than our good old USA. Here, Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager, 4.9% ABV has been brewed since 1634. Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager pours a bright gold color with a thick three finger brilliant white bubbly head that stick around for a while and leaves behind some amazing lacing around the glass. There is plenty of light shining through the glass with tons of carbonation bubbles racing toward the foamy white head. The aroma on this Munich Lager is bready and biscuity with some slight yeast scents. The taste on Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager is less bready than you get on the aroma but is still as biscuity. I found this Paulaner to be buttery and smooth with a slight hint of a carbonated feel. The mouth feel is on the lighter side. The finish is smooth slightly crisp and has a nice biscuity and slightly buttery after taste. Overall Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager is a nice plan but great lager. So Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager get an A here. This Lager is great not to overwhelming in any sort of way, it’s an easy drinking German Lager and not high on the ABV either. So you can drink a few of this and really enjoy them unlike some lager from this country. So go out and try Paulaner Original Munich Premium Lager as see what you think! Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!    

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