I have a local beer from The Unknown Brewing Company here in
Charlotte, NC. This is Rye Felicia Open Fermented Brett IPA, 5.4% ABV. This
beer is fermented in an open vessel allowing the air where that vessel is to
collect in the beer. Rye Felicia is brewed with a strain of yeast known as
Brettanomyces. This is a non-spore genus of yeast referred to as Brett. Brett
was typical viewed as contaminate and made off-flavors in beers. Usually this
yeast is used in some Belgian style beer as well as American craft beers. Rye
Felicia pours a hazy orange color with a big three finger off white head that
has great retention, with spicy grapefruit aromas on the nose with a slight
candied spiced orange. Rye Felicia as a big bold flavor of rye spices up front
with some spiced grapefruit right behind that with some bitter orange on the
back with bitterness, and a bitter hop finish that fades into a big spice funky
after taste. The mouth feel is fuller and that might be from the yeast strain.
The Unknown Brewing Company Rye Felicia Open Fermented Brett IPA is not
something I am love with and I give it a C+. At first I found Rye Felicia to be
a little harsh but as you drink it grows a little bit on you. So by the end of
the sixteen-ounce pint can it was better then when I took the first sip. Definitely
an interest beer and take on the IPA style. I don’t know if I would come have
this again and would be my first choice at a bar, it will kill you taste buds
making all other beers taste off or have very little to no taste. I will tell
you to try Rye Felicia Open Fermented Brett IPA just cause it interestingly
different for an IPA. Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!
Monday, May 29, 2017
The Sugar Creek Company and Reids Fine Foods Beer Dinner

Last week I spotted on Facebook that The Sugar Creek Brewing
Company and Reid’s Fine Foods was going to have a four-course dinner plus
dessert and each course was paired with a different beer. I went for it cause
the food looked really tasty, as did the beer. First course was chilled
raspberry chamomile soup, citrus coriander crème frache, mint paired with Sugar
Creek Raspberry White Ale, 4,4% ABV. These two paired well because of the main
ingredients of raspberry, and were both light tasting and very refreshing.
Think of Sugar Creek Raspberry White Ale as a craft version of Hoegaarden with
raspberry. That beer need to be canned, it a warm weather drinking beer for
sure. Second course, fried oyster, arugula, radish, cucumber, pickled onion,
pistachio, and goat cheese, roasted shallot vinaigrette paired Sugar Creek
Saison 6.6% ABV, this was the one beer of the night that wasn’t bottled. The
fried oysters where amazing, I haven’t had fried oysters like that and the
batter played well with the complex funky flavors in the oyster as well as the bitterness
in the radish. Saison are good beers to pair with a hearty salad. Third Course,
charred octopus, chorizo, confit purple potatoes, harass (a hot chili pepper
paste) but was mild at best. This was paired with Atmosphera Tripel, 9.7% ABV
the highest ABV beer of the night. That beer was dangerous! It was very
flavorful and effervescent and if not for the high ABV would be drinkable, it
was a beer that you want to keep going back for had a slight banana flavor to
it. Paired well with the roasted notes in the octopus and it spices. Third Course, sticky pork belly, crispy rice,
Brussels sprout kimchi, embered vegetables, benne paired with Sugar Creek Dubbel,
6.6% ABV. This was more of Korean style dish but a southern American take and
the pork belly (tasty thick fancy bacon) was excellent with the Belgian style
Dubbel. I always think Belgian Dubbel taste like they should pair well with
hearty meat of some kind. Well they did just that, and it was great. For
dessert, Espresso Beignets (French style donuts), dark chocolate sauce, paired
with Sugar Creek Mocha Java Porter, 5.2% ABV. If you aren’t deep into craft
beer then you are probably think why dark beer with a sweet dessert and the
best way to describe it is for you to have a sweeter style porter with a
dessert and you will understand. Now the coffee flavors of the porter played
nice with the espresso Beignets and the chocolate sauce. This was a $55.00
affair. All courses and beers were wonderful; well the entire dinner was
wonderful and great job by both Reid’s and The Sugar Creek Brewer. This was an
A+ experience. I would do this again and will! Cheers! Please enjoy
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Southern Pines Brewing Company Tropicalismo Pale Ale
I have here another beer that
was delivered via Brewpublik (www.brewpublik.com)
here in Charlotte, NC and they do have an operation in Raleigh/Durham as well,
this is Southern Pines Brewing Company Tropicalismo Pale Ale, 6.1% ABV and an
IBU of 54. Tropicalismo is brewed with loads of late addition Mosaic, Simcoe,
and Amarillo hops in Southern Pines North Carolina. Tropicalismo is a summer seasonal beer; it pours a clear
golden color with a one finger white head that is quick to dissipate. Tropicalismo
gives off a fruity juicy aroma of tropical citrus notes with some light floral
scents. The taste is nicely filled with fruity flavors like slight Guava,
grapefruit and orange that lead to the back of the mouth where you find a
bittering note. The mouth feel is light and refreshing, with a bitter juicy
fruit finish and a bitter sweet after taste that lingers in your month. This
beer is a good summer drinker, easy and refreshing. It gets a C+, it just that
the tropical fruit flavors weren’t as strong or pronounced as I would have
liked them, but they were okay. The hop flavors were slightly less then I like as well,
so the overall flavor of Tropicalismo was not bold enough for me to rate this Southern
Pines Brewing Company Pale Ale higher. I still enjoyed this beer. Tropicalismo
Could be a bolder flavored beer in my opinion. I kind of recommend Tropicalismo,
it’s not such a bad beer. Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Boulevard Brewing Co. Show-Me Sour Barrel Age Ale
I like the idea of barrel
aging beer, it can add complexity to a beer with new and inviting flavors, but
it can be the opposite end as well, turning out to be not so good. Boulevard
Brewing Co in Kansas City Missouri, Show-Me Sour Barrel Age Ale, 4.3%, is aged in Whiskey Barrels for a
short time, for how long? They just say a short time. I’m thinking six months
to year if I had to guess. This sour beer is blended back, with fresh beer
after aging. Show-Me Sour pours a deep black color with dark brown edges and a
little cap of white bubbly foam on top that fades into a white halo. Aroma is a big grape notes with some bits of
light smoked whisky. Taste is pretty grapey and slightly sour up front and in
the middle with a little whisky notes on the back. The taste is more grape than
anything else. Mouth-feel is thin and medium with a weird whiskey grape sour
finish that is pretty much the same on the after taste with some tartness
there. I though this beer was going to be more the just whiskey and grape/sour
grape, and give Boulevard Brewing Co. Show-Me Sour Barrel Age Ale a D. This
beer smelled and tasted one sided and was thin tasting and have not much
complexity I was hoping. This beer was a let down. One thing it did have going
for it was it was easy to drink, as I was drinking it I though this beer is a
push over. I am not a huge fan of grape juice flavors especially in a beer.
Grape doesn’t go well in beer. Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!
Monday, May 22, 2017
Mikkeller Hallo ich Bin Berliner Weisse Passion Fruit
Yeah I got this one,
Mikkeller Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Weisse Passion fruit, 3.7% ABV in a home
delivery from Brewpublik, www.brewpublik.com.
Mikkeller is a Danish beer brewer that doesn’t have a physical brewery; they
are what you might call gypsy brewers. They basically go to brewer’s brewery
and brew their own beer there. Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Weisse Passion fruit
pours bright neon yellow color with a slight haze and a big three-finger white
quickly fading head that leaves behind thick whips of lacing. The aroma is
sweet with tropical fruit tartness and a bit of wheat. Reminds me of tart and
fresh tropical fruit juice. Taste is pretty good, you get nice tart tropical
fruit right up front with some sweetness, and in the middle of the mouth you
get more of a big tartness that grows as it washes over the back of your mouth
with nice passion fruit notes. The mouth feel is medium and the after taste is
refreshing, tart and tropical with a nice tart passion fruit after taste that coats
your mouth and linger there a while. Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Weisse Passion
fruit is a surprisingly good beer and it an A for sure. The passion fruit
really melds well with the Berliner Weisse and has great balance. I love how
both the fruit and the Berliner Weisse shine though without over powering each
other. Now this beer does come in other fruits, raspberry, peach, Cherry, and
plain Berliner Weisse. I will try to review the others at some point. But I
recommend Mikkeller Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Weisse Passion fruit. It’s a good
warm weather beer that you won’t forget! Cheers! Please enjoy responsibly!
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