
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lausitzer Schwarzes Porter

Well it's been a fun two weeks on vacation, but now it's time to blog and boy do I have some interesting beer to blog about. Here we have one that I had in a small town, Osterburg Germany. The next day when I left for Venna I was gifted this tasty German Porter. This Porter is from Lausitzer Brau and is 4.4%abv. This porter pours a rich dark brown color that is nearly black with a bright white head that is big a pillowy. That is an amazing head for a beer. The Porter has a rich sweet malted scent to it that reminds me of a sweet roll or sweet bread. There also is a slightly hop note that is kind of sweet but nothing overpowering. I found this beer to have an overall sweet aroma to it that is nice and inviting.  The fist sip of this and you get a nice malt followed quickly by a sweetness that sort of reminds you of a    milk stout, I found the sweet taste to be almost candy like. Really good taste gone on with this one. The sweet malted flavor of this make you feel all happy inside. The finish of this Porter is smooth sweet and clean, no bitter bite at the end or anything. This is overall a great beer, and yes it is sold in the US just not all over the US. It might be hard to find one, and if you do there might only be a few different beer from this brewery. But that is like most fine German beer that come to the US.  I was happy to have had this Porter, not like most porter, which are good but tend to be a higher abv heavier, thick, and some can have a slight hop or bitterness to them. You can never be in the middle about a porter, you either like them or you don't. I do! I love this one! This put a nice smile on my face and made hangout swimming with my brother a lot of fun. I would most certainly have this one again, well that is if I can fine it. So I have a beer challenge before me. Great! When I fine this one I will tell you where I find this and for how much, but I think this may be somewhere around six to eight dollar. But you should go forth and find this taste Porter and try it! Cheers! Please drink responsibly!

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